As of the first week of April, I've started focusing on the upcoming Ironman in Nice, France on June 26, 2011. Been swimming 3 days a week, cycling 3-4 times a week, and running 3 times a week. I will be increasing the distance as it gets closer to the event and as we have more daylight in the morning and evening.
As part of the anticipated hills we'll be encountering in Nice at the Alps Maritimes, Blanca and I decided to go to Cloudcroft, New Mexico for some hill training. We left Sat AM (April 16) at 9am and arrived into town a little before 11. We parked in the city center which has a very convenient public rest room (very clean) and began our 17.2 mile trek to Sunspot.
I had found out about this ride from the web at a site called Map my ride. The link for this particular ride is at
We knew from the profile what to expect but found out how challenging it is, specially with the altitude. Cloudcroft is at 8600 feet and we left town on Hwy 130 with an average of 2% climb. Later on it gets tougher with a category 3 climb up to 9320 feet. The first descent was awesome with no traffic and a moderate headwind. Next came the Category 2 climb with 11.5 miles with an average grade of 5%. This peak is at 9500 feet! We struggled for air and then came down to Sunspot where there was a slight uphill to the visitors center. Total distance 17.2 miles.
Sunspot is located on Sacramento Peak and is the home of the National Solar Observatory. It started in 1947 to observe the Sun with several telescopes. They had picnic tables, a bathroom and some cool stuff like a sundial.
The return trip was faster for us and the longer downhill was really cool with my top speed of 38mph, the fastest I think I have ever ridden on a bike. We arrived at Cloudcroft very pleased to have made this ride and highly recommend to anyone in the El Paso, Las Cruces area.